Friday, March 24, 2006

American Banality pt. 2: More Grist For The Mill....

  • A 61 year-old gynecologist was arrested for molesting a female minor. I guess that some people don't get sick of seeing it day after day....
  • Records have shown that 911 operators in Chatanooga TN, have been neglecting thousands of calls while on break. People should have known better than to have an emergency during coffee break...they could have waited 15 more minutes.
  • Hydie Sumner, financial consultant for Merrill-Lynch was just awarded $2.2M from a gender discrimination suit against the firm, because she was not invited to go on business outings to a strip club. The words that should have come to mind are "equal representation." If they had invited her to go to the strip joint and dropped her off at the "Sugar Shack" if she declined, this case probably would not have ever gone to court....
  • According to an intercepted "bluetooth email," John Green, executive producer of ABC's Good Morning America Weekend, was recorded as saying that President Bush "makes (me) sick." This was in reference to Bush's repeated usage of the phrase "mixed messages." Mr. Green...President Bush makes nearly everybody sick about something that he has done during his administration. You are lucky to have lasted this long...shame that you probably won't last much longer. Ask Dave Lenihan, formerly with KTRS St. Louis about that one....
  • Los Angeles' Bellflower Hospital is cited for dumping a 63 year-old patient off on Skid Row wearing only a hospital gown and slippers. Kaiser Permanente management has "apologized" for the incident. American healthcare at its finest, eh?
  • Actor Randy Quaid is suing the producers of "Brokeback Mountain" for fraud and misrepresentation. When Quaid was brough on the project, it was sold to him as "an art-house film with little chance of making any money." "Brokeback Mountain," besides being nominated for an Academy Award, has so far, grossed more than $160M in box office receipts. Randy...who's the fool here? Director Ang Lee+controversial story+gay issues+(prettyboy actors x 2 [Gyllenhaal & Ledger])=BIG-FCUKIN-BUCKS!!! You've been in the business way too long not to have seen this one coming...around the "mountain."
  • In the UK, ex prostitute Tatiana Edwards née Plotnikova has been convicted of murdering her husband, Gwyn Edwards upon discovering that he wasn't a millionaire. DUH! A hooker is accustomed to a certain amount of upkeep. Did you miss "The Boondocks" episode "Guess Hoe's Coming To Dinner?" She didn't kill the poor was "A Pimp Named Slickback!"
  • NASA scientist says that Bush administrators are censoring or blocking any attempts by NASA scientists to convey any warnings about global warming...what? Did you expect me to say something after that one?
  • Bush announces that he has no intention of pulling out of Iraq during his term. I know a certain President whose father should have "pulled out." If he had, we wouldn't be in this mess....
  • Alabama lawmakers debate on bill that would pardon Rosa Parks and all other civil rights activists who were arrested and prosecuted during the movement...activists who were protesting against a violation of federal law. Yeah. Thanks. Really. Nearly 50 years after the fact. Better late than never, I guess. Bitches.
  • And last, but not least...last Friday (03/17) actress Jessica Simpson declines an offer to meet President Bush at a fund-raiser. I was not happy with her being cast in the role of Daisy Duke in "the Dukes of Hazzard" remake, but after reading this, I'm ready to forgive and forget. Jessica can dance for me in skimpy shorts anytime she wants now, after dissing Dubya!
That's enough media nonsense for this time. The above is all true, but you can accept how I reported it as Dementia or Dynamism. Of course, the choice is yours....
American Banality on Tap!

Let's see...what's been on the menu lately:

  • Immigrants are about to be criminalized and kicked out the USA and all everybody can talk about is who got kicked off of American Idol.
  • Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" but our President's lips lie all the time.
  • Issac Hayes quits South Park citing "religious intolerance" from a show that introduced itself to the world by staging a "Street Fighter 2" style fight between Santa Claus and Jesus Christ.
  • The author of "Brokeback Mountain" blasts the Motion Picture Academy, citing bigotry, "homophobia," and "intolerance" as the reason that "Crash" won best motion picture.
  • Civil rights activist and former mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young in bed, doing the jiga-boo with WalMart.
  • The company that scores the SATs are having trouble with their "math."
  • Carey Kelly claims that his brother Robert "R." Kelly has more than a few skeletons "Trapped in the Closet."
  • St. Louis radio DJ Dave Lenihan was fired on the spot for an "accidental racial slur" using the word "coon" in reference to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. She's no "aunt Tomisina" perhaps but not a coon.
  • Not content to already maintain a stranglehold on pharmaceutical developments, American drug companies attempt to gain patent control over the principles of naturally-occuring chemical processes. Soon, your kid won't be able to grow that culture in science class without paying somebody royalties....
  • Debra LaFave and another male student, 14 years old; both got off again...just goes to prove that attractive crazy women can and will have sex with anyone they want and the judicial system will let them. Don't believe me? Ask Toni Woods about that. Woods was convicted after admitting to having had sexual relations with four boys, all under the age of 16. She also cited clinical depression, and testified that she was having trouble with her medication. The judge sentenced her to 20 years.

Debra Lafave

Debra Lafave

Toni Woods

Toni Woods

So, there you have it. Am I crazy? You be the judge. This is either a case of Dementia or an example of Dynamism....